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Movie posters Marika Green - Emmanuelle 1974

Emmanuelle 1974 movie poster Sylvia Kristel Alain Cuny Marika Green Just Jaeckin

Emmanuelle (1974)

Movie poster 70x100cm used condition GD-FN small text on poster original


Just Jaeckin


Sylvia Kristel Alain Cuny Marika Green


Adult films

Printed in:

1975Try it framed!

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Films from Europe1974
1 for sale
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4.0 / 5 from 16 ratings
Vintage poster from a movie theater 1975. Rare, only a few were saved. Great quality in paper and colors, nice to frame on your wall. We sell original posters and movie photos since 1999 from the archives of a Swedish film distributor. A nice gift!
Emmanuelle 1974 lobby card set Sylvia Kristel Alain Cuny Marika Green Just Jaeckin
Emmanuelle (1974)
Lobby cards Sweden D used condition GD-FN original
Emmanuelle 1974 movie poster Sylvia Kristel Alain Cuny Marika Green Just Jaeckin
Emmanuelle (1974)
Movie poster new condition NM 21x30 mini original 1980
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