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Movie posters Lise Bourdin - La riviere des trois jonques 1957

La riviere des trois jonques 1957 movie poster Dominique Wilms Lise Bourdin Jean Gaven André Pergament

La riviere des trois jonques (1957)

Operation giftvapen

Movie poster 32x70cm nice condition FN original L O W


André Pergament


Dominique Wilms Lise Bourdin Jean Gaven

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1957Try it framed!

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SALE Films from Europe 32x70cm
1 for sale
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Vintage poster from a movie theater 1957. Rare, only a few were saved. Great quality in paper and colors, nice to frame on your wall. We sell original posters and movie photos since 1999 from the archives of a Swedish film distributor. A nice gift!
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