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Movie posters Frank Sinatra - Cannonball Run II 1984

Cannonball Run II 1984 movie poster Burt Reynolds Frank Sinatra Dom DeLuise Dean Martin Richard Kiel Jackie Chan Shirley MacLaine Hal Needham Ladies Cars and racing Poster artwork: Drew Struzan

Cannonball Run II (1984)

Cannonball Run 2

Movie poster 70x100cm used condition GD-FN original


Hal Needham


Burt Reynolds Frank Sinatra Dom DeLuise Dean Martin Richard Kiel Jackie Chan Shirley MacLaine


Action films Comedies

Poster artwork:

Drew Struzan

Printed in:

1984Try it framed!

Find more:

Ladies Cars and racing
1 for sale
Buy! Rating 4.0 stars
4.0 / 5 from 11 ratings
Vintage poster from a movie theater 1984. Rare, only a few were saved. Great quality in paper and colors, nice to frame on your wall. We sell original posters and movie photos since 1999 from the archives of a Swedish film distributor. A nice gift!
Take me Out to the Ball Game 1949 movie poster Frank Sinatra Esther Williams Gene Kelly Betty Garrett Busby Berkeley Musicals
Take me Out to the Ball Game (1949)
Movie poster 70x100cm nice condition FN-NM original
Lady in Cement 1968 movie poster Frank Sinatra Raquel Welch Dan Blocker Gordon Douglas
Lady in Cement (1968)
Movie poster 51x72cm Japan nice condition FN original
Never So Few 1959 movie poster Frank Sinatra Gina Lollobrigida Steve McQueen John Sturges
Never So Few (1959)
Movie poster 32x70cm nice condition FN original 1966
High Society 1957 movie poster Frank Sinatra Bing Crosby Grace Kelly Louis Armstrong Charles Walters Music: Cole Porter Musicals
High Society (1957)
Movie poster 32x70cm C nice condition FN original
Guys and Dolls 1956 movie poster Marlon Brando Jean Simmons Frank Sinatra Joseph L Mankiewicz Musicals
Guys and Dolls (1956)
Movie poster 32x70cm nice condition FN-NM original
From Here to Eternity 1953 movie poster Burt Lancaster Montgomery Clift Deborah Kerr Frank Sinatra Fred Zinnemann Beach
From Here to Eternity (1953)
Movie poster 70x100cm nice condition FN-NM original 1970
Cast a Giant Shadow 1966 movie poster John Wayne Frank Sinatra Kirk Douglas Yul Brynner Senta Berger Melville Shavelson War
Cast a Giant Shadow (1966)
Movie poster 70x100cm nice condition FN original 1974
Cast a Giant Shadow 1966 movie poster Kirk Douglas John Wayne Frank Sinatra Yul Brynner Senta Berger Melville Shavelson War
Cast a Giant Shadow (1966)
Movie poster 32x70cm new condition NM original
From Here to Eternity 1953 movie poster Burt Lancaster Montgomery Clift Deborah Kerr Frank Sinatra Fred Zinnemann Beach
From Here to Eternity (1953)
Movie poster 32x70cm nice condition FN-NM original
Sinatra the Classic Capitol Albums 2002 poster Frank Sinatra
Sinatra the Classic Capitol Al... (2002)
Poster as new/rolled RO 60x80 original
From Here to Eternity 1953 movie poster Burt Lancaster Montgomery Clift Deborah Kerr Frank Sinatra Fred Zinnemann Beach
From Here to Eternity (1953)
Movie poster 70x100cm nice condition FN original
Dirty Dingus Magee 1970 movie poster Frank Sinatra George Kennedy Anne Jackson Burt Kennedy
Dirty Dingus Magee (1970)
Movie poster 70x100cm new condition NM original 1971
N E W Put in shopping basket €22
Cast a Giant Shadow 1966 movie poster Kirk Douglas John Wayne Frank Sinatra Yul Brynner Senta Berger Melville Shavelson War
Cast a Giant Shadow (1966)
Movie poster 70x100cm nice condition FN original
Robin and the 7 Hoods 1964 movie poster Frank Sinatra Dean Martin Sammy Davis Jr Peter Falk Bing Crosby Gordon Douglas Musicals
Robin and the 7 Hoods (1964)
Movie poster 70x100cm new condition NM original 1965
Take me Out to the Ball Game 1949 movie poster Frank Sinatra Esther Williams Gene Kelly Busby Berkeley Musicals
Take me Out to the Ball Game (1949)
Movie poster 32x70cm nice condition FN original
A Hole in the Head 1959 movie poster Frank Sinatra Edward G Robinson Eleanor Parker Frank Capra
A Hole in the Head (1959)
Movie poster 32x70cm new condition NM original
N E W Put in shopping basket €17
Some Came Running 1958 movie poster Frank Sinatra Dean Martin Shirley MacLaine Vincente Minnelli
Some Came Running (1958)
Movie poster 32x70cm nice condition FN original
Pal Joey 1958 movie poster Frank Sinatra Rita Hayworth Kim Novak George Sidney Musicals
Pal Joey (1958)
Movie poster 32x70cm nice condition FN original
Never So Few 1959 movie poster Frank Sinatra Gina Lollobrigida Peter Lawford John Sturges
Never So Few (1959)
Movie poster 32x70cm nice condition FN original
L O W Put in shopping basket €7
Robin and the 7 Hoods 1964 photos Frank Sinatra Dean Martin Sammy Davis Jr Peter Falk Bing Crosby Gordon Douglas Musicals
Robin and the 7 Hoods (1964)
Movie photos stills nice condition FN original
Cast a Giant Shadow 1966 photos John Wayne Frank Sinatra Kirk Douglas Yul Brynner Senta Berger Melville Shavelson War
Cast a Giant Shadow (1966)
Movie photos stills nice condition FN original
Cast a Giant Shadow 1966 photos John Wayne Frank Sinatra Kirk Douglas Yul Brynner Senta Berger Melville Shavelson War
Cast a Giant Shadow (1966)
Movie photos stills D nice condition FN original
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