NordicPosters - 10.000 Swedish vintage movie posters 1915-2022
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Vintage movie posters films from Sweden 1944
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Appassionata (1944)
Movie poster 70x100cm nice condition FN original
Olof Molander
Viveca Lindfors
Den osynliga muren (1944)
Movie poster 32x70cm nice condition FN original
Gustaf Molander
Inga Tidblad
En dag skall gry (1944)
Movie poster 70x100cm new condition NM original 1943
Hasse Ekman
Edvin Adolphson
En dotter född (1944)
Movie poster 70x100cm nice condition FN original
Gösta Cederlund
Barbro Kollberg
Fia Jansson från Söder (1944)
Movie poster 32x70cm new condition NM original
Ragnar Falck
Rut Holm
The Girl and the Devil (1944)
Movie poster 70x100cm new condition NM archive original
Hampe Faustman
Gunn Wållgren
Jag är eld och luft (1944)
Movie poster 70x100cm new condition NM original
Anders Henrikson
Viveca Lindfors
Mitt folk är icke ditt (1944)
Movie poster B 70x50 original
Weyler Hildebrand
Sonja Wigert
Mr Winkle Goes to War (1944)
Movie poster 32x70cm nice condition FN original
Alfred E Green
Edward G Robinson
Nyordning på Sjögårda (1944)
Movie poster 32x70cm new condition NM original
Weyler Hildebrand
Annalisa Ericson
Prins Gustaf (1944)
Movie poster 70x100cm B new condition NM original
Schamyl Bauman
Alf Kjellin
Snöstormen (1944)
Movie poster 70x100cm new condition NM original
Åke Ohberg
Karin Ekelund
Torment (1944)
Movie poster 51x72cm Japan new condition NM first release original 1962
Alf Sjöberg
Alf Kjellin
Vändkorset (1944)
Movie poster 32x70cm used condition GD original
Lauritz Falk
Marianne Aminoff
Vår herre luggar Johansson (1944)
Movie poster 70x100cm nice condition FN original
Sigurd Wallén
Sigurd Wallén
Barnen från Frostmofjället (1945)
Movie poster 32x70cm new condition NM original 1973
Rolf Husberg
Hans Lindgren
Blod och eld (1945)
Movie poster 70x100cm nice condition FN-NM original
Anders Henrikson
Sonja Wigert
Blood and Fire (1945)
Movie poster 32x70cm nice condition FN original
Anders Henrikson
Sonja Wigert
Blåjackor (1945)
Lobby cards Sweden nice condition FN original
Rolf Husberg
Nils Poppe
Bröderna Östermans huskors (1945)
Movie poster 70x100cm new condition NM archive original
Ivar Johansson
Adolf Jahr
Flickorna i Småland (1945)
Movie poster 32x70cm new condition NM original 1951
Schamyl Bauman
Sickan Carlsson
Galgmannen (1945)
Movie poster 32x70cm nice condition FN original
Gustaf Molander
Wanda Rothgardt
Hans majestät får vänta (1945)
Movie poster 32x70cm nice condition FN original
Gustaf Edgren
Aino Taube
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