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Anna Karenina movie poster 1936 Greta Garbo

Anna Karenina 1936 movie poster Greta Garbo Fredric March

Anna Karenina (1936)

Movie poster 32x70cm nice condition FN original


Greta Garbo Fredric March

Printed in:

1936Try it framed!

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Rating 4.0 stars
4.0 / 5 from 7 ratings
Vintage poster from a movie theater 1936. Rare, only a few were saved. Great quality in paper and colors, nice to frame on your wall. We sell original posters and movie photos since 1999 from the archives of a Swedish film distributor. A nice gift!
Anna Karenina 1936 movie poster Greta Garbo Fredric March Eric Rohman art
Anna Karenina (1936)
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